Okay, the first question I asked when we finally decided we were going to come to Egypt is. Where are we going to live and how do we find a house 5,000 miles away? Needs: 1. You NEED to be here to find an apartment. But fortunately enough for you, this need comes with some options. You can wait until you get here and do it yourself or you can have someone who is here do it for you. Listen, searching for an apartment from another country is a problem waiting to happen. You can encounter innumerable scams, lies, deception, and severe overpricing. What you can do before you arrive : A: Make arrangements for a HOTEL STAY or house share with a friend while you're searching if you are in the country. House sharing is the cheapest option. Depending on your family size and relationship with the person, it may be better to just take accommodation in the cheapest hotel for a week or two. ...
Living the Un-American American Dream