A Step by step guide, for a visa renewal in mugamaa **A helpful guide a sister forwarded from her husband. It was compiled by one of the brothers in Egypt after his personal experience) I also thought I'd share it in hope that it will help someone inshallahπΈ Additional humors provided by yours truly π What to Bring: 1. Yourself. 2. Your Passport. 3. A photocopy of your passport photo page. 4. A photocopy of your passport visa page–if it's not your first renewal, bring copies of your initial visa page and your most recent renewal. 5. A passport-sized photo of yourself. 6. A pen. 7. Lots of patience. Get the photocopies and passport photo done before you go there, but if you forget, you can get them done when you get to the Mogamma. A photo and copy center is located to the right of the entrance, past the ridiculously crowded staircase (I can't remember the exact price). You will likely need to use your elbows to maintain your place in line. What to Do: 1. ...
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