Madinah Book Reader PDF : FREE DOWNLOAD & PRINTABLE Free Flash Cards: FREE DOWNLOAD & PRINTABLE Our teaching method: For the initial introduction: I talk to the children about how important it is to be able to ask questions in Arabic. I assure them that asking questions in Arabic is even easier than it is in English!! I tell them we're going to start with the two shortest and easiest ways for now. (haal & Aaa) you can now read to the children the new page (p.4) or have the children read it if they are strong. I prefer to start with reading each phrase or vocabulary term one by one after me. When they are confident with the pronunciation of the words. I give them the new vocabulary cards for the unit which we will write today (Link p. 4 new vocab.) They will write the vocabulary words 10 times or 5 times each from Sunday through Thursday. Take special care that the children are saying the word out loud as they wri...
Living the Un-American American Dream